97-03 sketch-c Sunset at Algodones
| 97-03 sketch-d Sundown at Algodones
| 97-14 sketch-a Late Summer Sunnset
97-14 sketch-b Late Summer Sunset
| 97-14 sketch-c Late Summer Sunset
| 97-14 sketch-d Late Summer Sunset
97-19 sketch-a Maria Aragon
| 97-19 sketch-b Maria Aragon
| 97-19 sketch-c Maria Aragon
97-25 sketch Field Study Golden Chamisa in Spring Creek Arroyo
| 97-26 sketch Field Study An Afternoon in October at Spring Creek
| 98 sketch Hawaii wave pattern
98 sketch-a Hawaii sea grape
| 98 sketch-a
| 98 sketch-b Hawaii sea grape
98 sketch-b
| 98 sketch-c
| 98 sketch
98-01 sketch Thunderstorm Building on the Sandias
| 98-03 sketch-a F16 canopy
| 98-03 sketch-b pilots harness
98-03 sketch-c pilot strapped in
| 98-12 sketch-a Field Study Noon at La Cueva
| 98-12 sketch-b Field Study Noon at La Cueva
98-14 sketch-a Near the End of Summer
| 98-14 sketch-b Near the End of Summer
| 98-17 sketch Massive Thunderstorm over Las Lunas
98-20 sketch Field Study Chamisa Blooming in Spring Creek Arroyo
| 98-21 sketch Field Study Chamisa in Bloom
| 98-22 sketch-a Field Study La Ventana
98-22 sketch-b Field Study La Ventana
| 98-22 sketch-c Field Study La Ventana
| 99 sketch De Chelly Tseghi
99 sketch Malaekahana Bay
| 99 sketch Oahu Hawaii
| 99-02 sketch Surf at Laniloa Point Oahu
99-04 sketch-a Field Study Spider Rock from Chinle Wash
| 99-04 sketch-b Spider Rock from Chinle Wash
| 99-06 sketch Field Study In Chinle Wash Canon de Chelly
99-10 sketch-a Field Study The Spanish Peaks Montana
| 99-10 sketch-b Field Study the Spanish Peaks Montana
| 99-11 sketch New Moon
99-17 sketch-a Yellowstone Off Point Sublime west
| 99-17 sketch-b Yellowstone Off Point Sublime east
| 99-17 sketch-c Yellwstone Off Point Sublime
99-17 sketch-d Yellowstone Off Point Sublime
| 99-22 sketch Apache Plume
| 99-25 Sandia Rapsody notes
99-37 sketch Field Study Tropical Rainforest
| Sandias probably
| Sketchbook 1 Borneo 1976
Sketchbook 1 end page
| Sketchbook 2 1978 ff
| Sketchbook 3 frontispiece
Sketchbook 4 1989
| Sketchbook 5 1980 earliest
| Sketchbook 6 Jan 86
Sketchbook 8 inside cover page
| 1981 NASA Shuttle Launch
| 2000 sketch Canyonlands UT
2000 sketch mountain contour
| 2000 sketch painting notes
| 2000 sketch-f foreground trees and rocks
2000 sketches-a Taos founders paintings OKC
| 2000 sketches-b Taos founders paintings OKC
| 2000 sketches-c Taos founders paintings in OKC
2000 sketches-d Taos founders paintings in OKC
| 2000-01 sketch-a The Cliffs at Laguna
| 2000-01 sketch-b The Cliffs at Laguna
2000-01 sketch-c The Cliffs at Laguna
| 2000-01 sketch-d The Clffs at Laguna
| 2000-05 sketch-a New Snow Sandias
2000-05 sketch-b New Snow Sandias
| 2000-05 sketch-c New Snow Sandias
| 2000-07 sketch November
2000-10 sketch Black Mesa
| 2000-13 sketch Field Study Neapolitan Cliffs
| 2000-14 sketch-a Navajo Sandstone Monument Valley
2000-14 sketch-b Navaho Sandstone Monument Valley
| 2000-16 sketch Spring Storm on the Llano Estacado (maybe)
| 2000-22 sketch Out on the Rio Puerco