

Cat. no. 89-08

Chaco Sunset, Pueblo Alto Amid Eight Hundred Years of Silence

Date: Apr-89
Item Type: Painting
Support: Canvas (Cotton Or Linen)
Dimensions: 54 X 96
Agent / Institution: Fenn Gallery Santa Fe

Chaco Sunset, Pueblo Alto Amid 800 Years of Silence. 54 x 96.

We had finished painting down on the floor of the canyon and I thought
the sun had set. As we drove out on top up Cly's Canyon, the last
rays of the sun struck the cliffs under Pueblo Alto a bright gold. We
came back to paint the scene, but that vivid last shaft of light did
not come again, so I painted it from memory. The place is so quiet and
desolate it is hard to realize that eight hundred years ago it was the
urban center of the most sophisticated culture of North America.

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