Grand Canyon Triptych Study. 16 x 41. (GC second Triptych study)
At mid-summer the sun, as it sets, shines on the face of the north rim
of the canyon. We are down below the two yellow cliffs and layers of
shale on a level shelf known as Cedar Ridge. This shelf is just above
the red cliff called the Supai. O'Neill Butte stands nearby to the
left side of the centerpiece, and Zoroaster Temple rises above the
skyline of the north rim. Far out on the right wing of the triptych
we see the Valhalla Plateau and Vishnu Temple.
The triptych
studies were painted as preliminary images for the large mural project
at the National Cowboy Museum in Oklahoma City. These studies were
made from small field studies painted at the sites. They were, in
turn, used to prepare larger scale models for the murals. The project
was painted from 1991 until 1996.
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