Field Study: Drapers' Farm, de Chelly, 12 x 8
In winter, Canon de Chelly gets little sun and gets so cold that the
Navajo families who live there have to come out on top. But in the
summer there are many small farms in the canyon bed. The Drapers have
a farm down the bend from the Mummy Cave in Canon del Muerto. The sun
is setting and this is how it looks in the evening shadows. 4-1985.
nother time Wilson wrote about this painting:
This is a quick
study done on the spot from the rim of Canon del Muerto. The Drapers
are one of the Navajo families that farm the bottom of the canyon
during the summer while the sun is high. In winter the bed of the
canyon is always shadowed, and it is too cold to live there, so they
spend the winter up top near Chinle, Arizona. The sun is setting and
the near cliff is in shadow, glowing from the orange light hitting the
opposite side of the canyon.
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