Cat. no. 80-01 Twilight at La Cueva Jan-80
Cat. no. 80-02 Bathed in a Fiery Sunset Feb-80
Cat. no. 80-03 Trail to the Light Feb-80
Cat. no. 80-04 Field Study: The Catalinas, Arizona Feb-80
Cat. no. 80-05 Field Study: Lavender Cholla Feb-80
Cat. no. 80-06 Field Study: Saguaro, Arizona Feb-80
Cat. no. 80-07 Pioneer 11-Saturn Pre-Encounter Apr-80
Cat. no. 80-08 Pioneer 11-Saturn Post Encounter Apr-80
Cat. no. 80-09 The Quiet Waters of Zion Apr-80
Cat. no. 80-10 Fluted Wall, Zion May-80
Cat. no. 80-11 Tower Ridge, Sandias May-80
Cat. no. 80-12 On the Spring Creek Arroyo May-80
Cat. no. 80-13 View from Cedar Ridge Jun-80
Cat. no. 80-14 Field Study: Cedar Ridge May-80
Cat. no. 80-15 Field Study: Zoroaster May-80
Cat. no. 80-16 Field Stud: Sundown at San Ysidro Jul-80
Cat. no. 80-17 West from Cedar Ridge, Grand Canyon Aug-80
Cat. no. 80-18 Laguna Cove Aug-80
Cat. no. 80-19 Taos Autumn Aug-80
Cat. no. 80-20 Summer Thunderstorm Aug-80
Cat. no. 80-21 West of Amarillo Aug-80
Cat. no. 80-22 New Mexico in Late Summer Sep-80
Cat. no. 80-23 Redondo at Sundown Oct-80
Cat. no. 80-24 Anasazi Castle, Canon del Muerto Nov-80
Cat. no. 80-25 A Place in the Sun, Canon del Muerto Nov-80
Cat. no. 80-26 Morning Shade, Anasazi Ruins, Canon del Muerto Nov-80
Cat. no. 80-27 The Grand Teton, Morning Dec-80
Cat. no. 80-28 Shining Mountain Dec-80
Cat. no. 80-29 Bosque del Apache Dec-80
Cat. no. 80-30 Field Study: David Hughes' Porch, Mora Jul-80
Cat. no. 81-01 Mauve Rain, Oscuro Jan-81
Cat. no. 81-02 An Evening in Late Summer Jan-81
Cat. no. 81-03 The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone Feb-81
Cat. no. 81-04 An Afternoon in Tucson Mar-81
Cat. no. 81-05 On the North Rim of the Yellowstone Apr-81
Cat. no. 81-06 A West Wind on Mount Moran Apr-81
Cat. no. 81-07 Launch of the Space Shuttle Columbia May-81
Cat. no. 81-08 Horsehead Nebula in Orion, NGC 2024 Aug-81
Cat. no. 81-09 Ring Nebula in Lyra, Messier 57, NGC 6720 Jun-81
Cat. no. 81-10 Cochiti Canyon Jul-81
Cat. no. 81-11 Paso por Aqui Aug-81
Cat. no. 81-12 Onate's Route Aug-81
Cat. no. 81-13 The Cliffs at Fort Wingate Aug-81
Cat. no. 81-14 Iyanbito Sep-81
Cat. no. 81-15 Southern Rampart of the Rockies Sep-81
Cat. no. 81-16 El Porvenir Canyon and Hermit Peak Oct-81
Cat. no. 81-17 Columbia at 30 Seconds Oct-81
Cat. no. 81-18 Das Shere Nov-81
Cat. no. 81-19 All of Us Oklahomans is Handsome! Dec-81
Cat. no. 81-20 Edge of Winter, Grand Canyon Dec-81
Cat. no. 81-21 Field Study: SST-1 On the Gantry Apr-81
Cat. no. 81-22 Field Study: SST-1 With the Service Gantry Rolled Back Apr-81
Cat. no. 81-23 Field Study: West from Zuni Sep-81
Cat. no. 81-24 Field Study: Sandia Foothills in the Morning Mar-81
Cat. no. 81-25 The Young Napoleon and His Dog Greet the Beasts Mar-81
Cat. no. 81-26 Field Study: Columbia's First Flight Apr-81
Cat. no. 82-01 Sea Witch Jan-82
Cat. no. 82-02 Winter Light, Grand Canyon Jan-82
Cat. no. 82-03 Field Study: Grand Canyon from Yavapai Point Jan-82
Cat. no. 82-04 The Mojave Wall Feb-82
Cat. no. 82-05 Field Study: Grand Canyon Yellowstone Feb-82
Cat. no. 82-06 Field Study: Tetons Feb-82
Cat. no. 82-07 Field Study: Mummy Cave Feb-82
Cat. no. 82-08 Field Study: La Cienega Oct-80
Cat. no. 82-09 Field Study : Cochiti Canyon Jul-81
Cat. no. 82-10 Field Study: San Ysidro Sep-81
Cat. no. 82-11 Field Study: Jemez Canyon Sep-81
Cat. no. 82-12 Field Study: Cerrillos Autumn Oct-81
Cat. no. 82-13 Field Study: Nambe Autumn Oct-81
Cat. no. 82-14 Eileen Grevey Clifford Mar-82
Cat. no. 82-15 Grand Canyon from Mather Point Mar-82
Cat. no. 82-16 The Soft Green of August Aug-82
Cat. no. 82-17 Field Study: August Morning Aug-82
Cat. no. 82-18 Sunset from the Foothills Aug-82
Cat. no. 82-19 Burning Sky Sep-82
Cat. no. 82-20 Silver Sky Sep-82
Cat. no. 82-21 Field Study: Chamisa in Spring Creek Arroyo Nov-82
Cat. no. 82-22 Thunder on the Mountain Dec-82
Cat. no. 82-23 La Cueva Canyon Feb-84
Cat. no. 82-24 Albuquerque at Twilight Dec-82
Cat. no. 82-25 New Moon and Red Twilight Dec-82
Cat. no. 83-01 Autumn Snow, Sandias Jan-83
Cat. no. 83-02 Warm Light and Cool Shadows Jan-83
Cat. no. 83-03 Mount Taylor Jan-83
Cat. no. 83-04 A Wind from Tijeras Feb-83
Cat. no. 83-05 On a Port Tack Feb-83
Cat. no. 83-06 October in la Cienega Feb-83
Cat. no. 83-07 The Ridgerunner (OA10A South China Sea) Mar-83
Cat. no. 83-08 Cloud Shadows on the Sandias Mar-83
Cat. no. 83-09 Spring Snow in the Sandias Apr-83
Cat. no. 83-10 Twilight's Last Gleaming Apr-83
Cat. no. 83-11 The Spanish Peaks from Aguilar, Colorado Jul-83
Cat. no. 83-12 Field Study: Spanish Peaks from Aguilar Jul-83
Cat. no. 83-13 Field Study: Mummy Cave in Morning Jul-83
Cat. no. 83-14 Field Study: El Morro Jul-83
Cat. no. 83-15 Field Study: Cliffs on the Road to Crown Point Jul-83
Cat. no. 83-16 Field Study: Iyanbito Jul-83
Cat. no. 83-17 Field Study: The Cliffs at Fort Wingate Jul-83
Cat. no. 83-18 Storms on the Palo Duro Jul-83
Cat. no. 83-19 Field Study: Sandias, Silver Sky Sep-83
Cat. no. 83-20 Field Study: Farm near Sleeper, Missouri Sep-83
Cat. no. 83-21 Field Study: Red Rock State Park Sep-83
Cat. no. 83-22 Sundown on the Western Cliffs Aug-83
Cat. no. 83-23 Field Study: Catalina Peaks Oct-83
Cat. no. 83-24 Late Afternoon at LaCueva Oct-83
Cat. no. 83-25 Yellowstone Falls from Red Rock Point Nov-83
Cat. no. 83-26 Field Study: Late Afternoon at La Cueva Aug-83
Cat. no. 83-27 Field Study: Foreground, Late Afternoon at La Cueva Aug-83
Cat. no. 83-28 South Peak at Sundown Nov-83
Cat. no. 83-29 Field Study: The Tani at Sundown Aug-83
Cat. no. 83-30 November Twilight Dec-83
Cat. no. 83-31 Red Dusk Dec-83
Cat. no. 83-32 Field Study: Yellowstone Falls from Red Rock Point Dec-83
Cat. no. 83-33 Field Study: Hermit Peak and Porvenir Canyon Dec-83
Cat. no. 83-34 Albuquerque at Dusk Dec-83
Cat. no. 83-35 Field Study : Palo Duro Canyon Dec-83
Cat. no. 83-36 Field Study: Juana Lopez Homestead Dec-83
Cat. no. 83-37 Blazing Sunset Dec-83
Cat. no. 83-38 Field Study: Hart Peak and Ye Olde Chugwater Dec-83
Cat. no. 84-01 City Lights in a Full Moon Jan-84
Cat. no. 84-02 Field Study: Groundhog Day Feb-84
Cat. no. 84-03 Field Study: Snow in the Shadows Feb-84
Cat. no. 84-04 Field Study: Culebra Canyon Feb-84
Cat. no. 84-05 Albuquerque Lights Feb-84
Cat. no. 84-06 Los Alamos Country Mar-84
Cat. no. 84-07 Afternoon on the Yellowstone Mar-84
Cat. no. 84-08 City Lights Apr-84
Cat. no. 84-09 Sunlight on New Snow Apr-84
Cat. no. 84-10 Silver Sea May-84
Cat. no. 84-11 Field Study: Silver Sea May-84
Cat. no. 84-12 High on the Sandias Jul-84
Cat. no. 84-13 Field Study: Morning Sunlight, Sandia Foothills Jul-84
Cat. no. 84-14 South Peak Jul-84
Cat. no. 84-15 River Oaks, Floodlight in the Trees Aug-84
Cat. no. 84-16 Asilomar Aug-84
Cat. no. 84-17 Crater Lake Aug-84
Cat. no. 84-18 Field Study: The J-Spear Ranch Sep-84
Cat. no. 84-19 Distant Thunder Sep-84
Cat. no. 84-20 Field Study: October Gold Oct-84
Cat. no. 84-21 Field Study: Chamisa in Bear Canyon Oct-84
Cat. no. 84-22 Twilight on the Chattahoochee Oct-84
Cat. no. 84-23 FIeld Study: October in Spring Creek Arroyo Nov-84
Cat. no. 84-24 At the Head of Echo Canyon Nov-84
Cat. no. 84-25 Rose Sunset on La Luz Trail Nov-84
Cat. no. 84-26 Summer on the Mesa Nov-84
Cat. no. 84-27 Monterey Sunset Dec-84
Cat. no. 84-28 Absaroka Dec-84
Cat. no. 84-29 Rosalyn on Studio Couch Dec-84
Cat. no. 84-30 Major General Patrick J. Hurley Dec-84
Cat. no. 84-31 Admiral Henry B. Wilson Dec-84
Cat. no. 84-32 James Wilson Dec-84
Cat. no. 84-33 Field Study, Absaroka Range (unfinished) Dec-84
Cat. no. 85-01 Arabesque Jan-85
Cat. no. 85-02 Twilight Storm, La Cueva Feb-85
Cat. no. 85-03 Field Study: Palo Verde in Papago Park, Phoenis Feb-85
Cat. no. 85-04 Field Study: La Cueva Canyon Feb-85
Cat. no. 85-05 Field Study: North of La Cueva Feb-85
Cat. no. 85-06 Sundown on Mount Taylor Feb-85
Cat. no. 85-07 Red Twilight on the Rio Grande Apr-85
Cat. no. 85-08 The Upper Falls of the Yellowstone Mar-85
Cat. no. 85-09 Autumn Snow on the Grand Teton Mar-85
Cat. no. 85-10 A New Mexico Sunset Mar-85
Cat. no. 85-11 Alameda Mar-85
Cat. no. 85-12 Field Study: Sandias from North of Bernalillo Apr-85
Cat. no. 85-13 Spring Light and Ancient Shadows, Canon del Muerto Apr-85
Cat. no. 85-14 Cradle Land of the Anasazi May-87
Cat. no. 85-15 Clouds on the Sandias at Sunset Jun-85
Cat. no. 85-16 On the Plains of Angostura Jul-85
Cat. no. 85-17 Study for Distant Thunder Jul-85
Cat. no. 85-18 Afternoon Sunrays Jul-85
Cat. no. 85-19 From the West Rim, Palo Duro Canon Jul-85
Cat. no. 85-20 Summer Cumulus on the Palo Duro Jul-85
Cat. no. 85-21 Ice Clouds over the Palo Duro Jul-85
Cat. no. 85-22 Sunset in Silver and Gold Aug-85
Cat. no. 85-23 Cheops at Sunset, Grand Canyon Aug-85
Cat. no. 85-24 Field Study: Rosamiento Canon Aug-85
Cat. no. 85-25 Sandias in a Stormy Sunset Aug-85
Cat. no. 85-26 Northwest of Bernalillo Sep-85
Cat. no. 85-27 Grand Canyon, Late Afternoon Oct-85
Cat. no. 85-28 Field Study: La Cueva in the Rain Apr-83
Cat. no. 85-29 Cheops, Grand Canyon Oct-85
Cat. no. 85-30 Sunrise on Company Pond Oct-85
Cat. no. 85-31 Spring on the Chattahoochee Oct-85
Cat. no. 85-32 Man o' War, British 20-Gun Ship, 1795 Nov-85
Cat. no. 85-33 Begonias and Silver Dec-85
Cat. no. 85-34 Dawn on the Western Front Dec-85
Cat. no. 86-01 Winter Sunset in the Sandia Foothills Jan-86
Cat. no. 86-02 Yavapai Point, Grand Canyon Jan-86
Cat. no. 86-03 Kaibab Sandstone, Grand Canyon Feb-86
Cat. no. 86-04 Canyon Alcove, Grand Canyon Feb-86
Cat. no. 86-05 Field Study: Early Spring from North Coors Road Feb-86
Cat. no. 86-06 Cottonwoods After the Rain Feb-86
Cat. no. 86-07 Autumn at Elena Gallegos Park Dec-86
Cat. no. 86-08 Field Study: Autumn at Elena Gallegos Park Mar-86
Cat. no. 86-09 Autumn Tornado, Albuquerque Apr-86
Cat. no. 86-10 Field Study: Sandias from Northwest of Bernalillo Apr-86
Cat. no. 86-11 Cumulus at Sundown from San Mateo Apr-86
Cat. no. 86-12 December Moon Jul-86
Cat. no. 86-13 A Rainy Morning at La Cueva Jul-86
Cat. no. 86-14 Zion in Spring Aug-86
Cat. no. 86-15 Field Study: Monterey Surf Aug-86
Cat. no. 86-16 Mid-day Thundershower Aug-86
Cat. no. 86-17 Almost Spring, Canon de Chelly, Sliding House Overlook Aug-86
Cat. no. 86-18 Night Blooming Cereus Sep-86
Cat. no. 86-19 Field Study: Yavapai Point, Grand Canyon Sep-86
Cat. no. 86-20 Field Study: Breaking Surf Apr-84
Cat. no. 86-21 Field Study: Monterey Surf with Fogbank Apr-84
Cat. no. 86-22 Field Study: Surf in the Fog Apr-84
Cat. no. 86-23 Niagara Falls in the Mist Oct-86
Cat. no. 86-24 Pinks Oct-86
Cat. no. 86-25 Thunderhead at Last Light Nov-86
Cat. no. 86-26 "Our Clint" Clinton P. Anderson Oct-86
Cat. no. 86-27 Easter Sunday Afternoon, Grand Canyon Dec-86
Cat. no. 86-28 The Ameican Falls, Niagara Dec-86
Cat. no. 86-29 Niagara Rapids from the Three Sisters Dec-88
Cat. no. 86-30 Field Study: Zion in the Spring Dec-86
Cat. no. 86-31 Field Study: Surf at Point Pinos Dec-86
Cat. no. 86-32 Field Study: De Chelly, Sliding House Overlook Dec-86
Cat. no. 87-01 Pacific
Cat. no. 87-02 Spring Tide Breakers off Point Los Pinos Jan-87
Cat. no. 87-03 The Golden Hind, 1579
Cat. no. 87-04 Passing Time, Eternal Beauty Feb-87
Cat. no. 87-05 Study for Passing Time, Eternal Beauty Mar-87
Cat. no. 87-06 Twilight at La Cueva Apr-87
Cat. no. 87-07 Spring Twilight Apr-87
Cat. no. 87-08 Nakalele Point, Maui Apr-87
Cat. no. 87-09 A Soft Rain Out to Sea, Maui Jun-87
Cat. no. 87-10 Field Study: Spring on the Chattahoochee Aug-87
Cat. no. 87-11 Molokai from Maui Jul-87
Cat. no. 87-12 Field Study: Elves Chasm Jun-87
Cat. no. 87-13 Field Study: South Rim in Afternoon Light, Grand Canyon Apr-86
Cat. no. 87-14 Field Study: Oneil Butte, Grand Canyon Jun-87
Cat. no. 87-15 Field Study: Nakalele Point, Maui Mar-87
Cat. no. 87-16 Field Study: Molokai from near Honolua, Maui Mar-87
Cat. no. 87-17 Geraniums and Blue Glass Jun-90
Cat. no. 87-18 Rain on the Canadian Jul-87
Cat. no. 87-19 The Webb Ranch, Gray County, Texas Jul-87
Cat. no. 87-20 August Moon, Sentosa Aug-87
Cat. no. 87-21 A Storm Clearing off the Sandias Oct-87
Cat. no. 87-22 Field Study: The Webb Ranch, Gray County, Texas Oct-87
Cat. no. 87-23 Numinous Nimbus 1-Oct
Cat. no. 87-24 Field Study: Sandias in a Stormy Sunset Oct-87
Cat. no. 87-25 Field Study: Cradleland of the Anasazi Oct-87
Cat. no. 87-26 Morton Thiokol DM-8 Static Test Sep-87
Cat. no. 87-27 Morning Mist along the Canadian River Sep-87
Cat. no. 87-28 Summer Morning in the Sandias Nov-87
Cat. no. 88-01 Sunset on the Rio Grande Feb-88
Cat. no. 88-02 Summer Skies, Oklahoma Feb-88
Cat. no. 88-05 Sunset at San Mateo Feb-88
Cat. no. 88-06 Cumulus at Fort Wingate Mar-88
Cat. no. 88-07 Cottonwoods on the Canadian Mar-88
Cat. no. 88-08 An Afternoon in Early Spring, Sandias Apr-88
Cat. no. 88-09 Field Study: The Ancient Temple, Sentosa Jun-88
Cat. no. 88-10 Field Study: Cottonwoods in Morning Light Jun-88
Cat. no. 88-11 Field Study: Sunset Near the Canadian River Jun-87
Cat. no. 88-12 Field Study: Cottonwoods in the Bosque Jun-87
Cat. no. 88-13 Field Study: February Sunlight, Sandia Foothills Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-14 Field Study: Surf at Turtle Bay, Oahu Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-15 Sunset at La Cueva, West Jun-88
Cat. no. 88-16 Sunset at La Cueva, East Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-17 Field Study: Breakers from off Shore Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-18 Field Study: American Falls, Niagara Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-19 Field Study: Morning on the Canadian Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-20 Field Study: Afternoon at Sea Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-21 Field Study: Sunset at Crater Lake Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-22 Field Study: The Sea at Kaanapali, Maui Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-23 Field Study: Young Geraniums Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-24 Field Study: The Open Sea Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-25 Field Study: October near La Cienega Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-26 Field Study: Rain o the West Coast of Oahu Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-27 Field Study: Papago Park, Phoenix Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-28 Field Study: South Peak from Echo Canyon Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-29 Field Study: Nakalele Point, Maui Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-30 Field Study: An Arizona Oasis Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-31 Field Study: October Rain, Goat Island Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-32 Field Study: Zion Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-33 Field Study: Sandias from the West Mesa Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-34 Field Study: La Luz Trail in the Clouds Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-35 Field Study: Crater Lake from Skell Head Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-36 Field Study: Draper's Farm, De Chelly Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-37 Field Study: Plains of Angostura Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-38 Field Study: Clouds over the Rio Puerco Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-39 Field Study: Kahikili's Leap, Maui Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-40 Field Study: Lake Casitas from Rancho mi Solar Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-41 Field Study: Camelback Mountain, Phoenix Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-42 Field Study: The Atlantic, Coco Beach Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-43 Field Study: The Surf at Monterey Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-44 Field Study: Nakalele Point in Sunlight Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-45 Field Study: The Canadian Falls, Niagara Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-46 Field Study: Antelope Flats, Tetons Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-47 Field Study: Rood Creek, Georgia Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-48 Field Study: Alcove on the Chattahoochee Shore Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-49 Field Study: Bass Country, Chattahoochee Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-50 Field Study: The Banks of the Chattahoochee Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-51 Field Study: A Coconut Palm Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-52 Field Study: The San Juan Islands Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-53 Field Study: Spring on the Rio Grande Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-54 Field Study: The Alabama Shore Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-55 Field Study: Sunset at Grand Canyon Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-56 Field Study: Manado Harbor, Sulawesi Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-57 Field Study: Moluccas Jul-88
Cat. no. 88-58 Field Study: San Pedro Mountains Aug-88
Cat. no. 88-59 Field Study: Sunset at La Cueva, East Sep-88
Cat. no. 88-60 Field Study: Sunset at La Cueva West Sep-88
Cat. no. 88-62 Carnations Oct-88
Cat. no. 88-63 Morning Clouds Oct-88
Cat. no. 88-64 Thunderhead East of Domingo Baca Canyon Nov-88
Cat. no. 88-65 Field Study: Thunderhead East of Domingo Baca Canyon Nov-88
Cat. no. 88-66 The Winds of Winter Dec-88
Cat. no. 89-01 Seated Figure Jan-89
Cat. no. 89-02 Winter Storm off Mather Point, Grand Canyon Mar-89
Cat. no. 89-03 Field Study: From Mather Point in Winter Mar-89
Cat. no. 89-04 Sunrise from El Tovar, Grand Canyon Mar-89
Cat. no. 89-05 New Mexico Twilight Apr-89
Cat. no. 89-06 Cereus in Steuben Apr-89
Cat. no. 89-07 Field Study: Chaco Sunset Apr-89
Cat. no. 89-08 Chaco Sunset, Pueblo Alto Amid Eight Hundred Years of Silence Apr-89
Cat. no. 89-09 Fajada Butte, Chaco Canyon May-89
Cat. no. 89-10 Chettro Kettle, Chaco Canyon May-89
Cat. no. 89-11 Nightrise, West of Torreon, New Mexico May-89
Cat. no. 89-12 Field Study: Poggi Memorial, Florence Jun-89
Cat. no. 89-13 Field Study: Lerici Jun-89
Cat. no. 89-14 Field Study: Cortina Sep-89
Cat. no. 89-15 Taos Mountain at the Autumnal Equinox Oct-89
Cat. no. 89-16 Volterra Jul-89
Cat. no. 89-17 Santa Maria della Salute Aug-89
Cat. no. 89-18 Passo de Falzarego, Italian Alps Aug-89
Cat. no. 89-19 Cortina D'Ampezzo Aug-89
Cat. no. 89-20 September Thunderhead Sep-89
Cat. no. 89-21 Yellow Twilight, Taos Nov-89
Cat. no. 89-22 Eastern Sky at Sunset, Taos Dec-89
Cat. no. 89-23 Baron Von Richthoven Dec-89
Cat. no. 89-24 Dawn Patrol, Bristol FE2B Dec-89
Cat. no. 89-25 Field Study: Morton Thiokol DM 8, 8/87 Dec-89
Cat. no. 89-26 Yvonne Jan-89
Cat. no. 89-27 Field Study: San Giminiano through the Trees Dec-89